November 08, 2016

Double height bike storage


Double height cycle racks are a great option when faced with limited space to store a large number of bicycles. Double height storage positions one bike directly on top of another, doubling the parking capacity of an area.

This space-saving benefit is achieved through a pull-down tray on which a cyclist can load their bicycle, lifting the tray back onto the upper tier.

These systems have been criticised as difficult to use in the past. This difficulty has come from some cyclists struggling to lift their bicycle onto the upper tier. A method of preventing this difficulty is to select a system with gas-assisted lifting, this is available on several two-tier racks, and the addition means anyone can use the top level, as the gas spring carries the weight of their bicycle.


Bike Storage Design

Maximising the space you have available for cycle parking is an increasing priority across the different sectors that install storage facilities. However, it’s also essential to consider the needs of cyclists and deliver a user-friendly cycle store when planning a parking facility.

Residential cycle stores and railway stations often utilise large numbers of two-tier racks to achieve the required number of parking spaces. High capacity racking systems must be used in these environments, but designing suitably wide corridors for cyclists to manoeuvre and turn bicycles while parking is equally essential.

Too often, this is neglected, and cycle stores are installed with insufficient loading distances and corridor width. Issues can include:

  • no gas-assisted lifting, a vital safety feature;
  • poor quality steel box section and welding;
  • no support for parked bicycles;
  • racks do not lower close enough to the ground; and
  • tray runs on the inside of the runner, increasing friction and noise.

We recommend the following are taken into account during your initial planning process:

  • loading distance for the rack (ask the manufacturer for a recommended dimensions);
  • corridor width for passing and turning bicycles;
  • the height of a cycle store can determine whether or not double-height racks are appropriate; and
  • utilising the cycle store planning service from a bicycle parking company.

For a further rundown on correct dimensions and other comprehensive information on double-height storage installation, visit our cycle storage guide.


Tiered Cycle Storage Demonstration 


The Design is the Limit

When it comes to space utilisation and getting the most out of your investment into this style of cycle storage, the design is your limit. These storage units will be made to your specifications, space and need. If you’re looking for more intensive security, then there are lockable variations. You can leave your cycle in duplicate safety, a lock, an individual wrack and behind a gate.

If you want your facility to be tech-enabled, then a cycle hub or a rack equipped with cycle sensors may fit your imagination. When it comes to zero worries for cycle owners, there are plenty of extra security features you can include.


Looking For Ideas?

We’ve been fortunate enough to have been included in multiple tiered cycle storage projects, here’s an example of our two-tiered cycle rack being installed at Magdelen College in Oxford.

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