In 2022, Turvec continued to deliver the highest quality cycle parking installations in the UK and Ireland, for a wide range of sectors and industries.
From impressive basement bike stores, through to biodiverse green roof shelters and ambitious bike repair station schemes, our projects continued to help deliver secure, user-friendly cycle parking for everyone.
We know active travel can play a major role in helping move people’s lifestyles towards a lower impact way of living. Reducing motor vehicle emissions through an increased share of cycling journeys is critical for reducing carbon emissions and lowering air pollution levels in our urban environment.
That’s why we have welcomed the formation of Active Travel England to oversee the delivery of new cycling infrastructure in England, which we hope will continue to push the levels of active travel in the country. As a major part of this, cycle parking and storage are vital for helping enable more cycle journeys in the future.
At Turvec, as we move into 2023 it is our hope to raise the bar even further with our sustainability initiatives and carbon offsetting across the business, starting from office emissions and travel, through to our wider supply chain. This requires a total understanding of our impact, as we continue work on innovative solutions.
We continue to have multiple projects underway, with many more exciting installations coming in 2023. For now, here is a selection of some our favourite featured projects we delivered this year: