July 04, 2016

Why Install a Public Bicycle Repair/Tool Station?

How To Use Bike Repair Station


Benefits of a public bicycle repair station

Cycling has never been so accessible in the UK, and recently significant improvements have been made, such as segregated cycle superhighways and increased secure cycle parking facilities. These are positive steps towards a more cycle-friendly society, but what provisions are being made for cyclists that run into mechanical difficulties on their journey?


Public bike repair stations for more cycle-friendly routes

Public bicycle repair stations provide a fixed platform for cyclists to re-inflate tyres, tune bikes and make repairs whilst away from home. Installing these stations along popular routes improves the reliability of cycling as a mode of transport or recreational activity. Cyclists can be confident that if they get a puncture, facilities are nearby for the necessary repairs.


What’s in a public bike tool station?

Bike repair stands/stations incorporate a range of tools such as screwdrivers, tyre levers and chain tools. Some stations include an integrated pump, with other stations offering a separate standalone pump. Almost all including a pressure gauge. Public pumps are far more user-friendly and are quicker alternatives to portable bike pumps.

A repair station makes a strong statement about a ‘cycle-friendly’ workplace, city or community.

How To Use Bike Repair Station

Turvec are accredited by

Turvec Solutions is accredited with a number of industry certifications in relation to Health and Safety, competence and security. We are registered on all major procurement websites.