Cycle storage loading distances
To ensure cycle storage is both safe and easy to use, it is important to consider appropriate loading distances to park bicycles. If corridor widths are too small, cyclists will find it difficult to manoeuvre their bicycle into position or pass each other in the store.
Deciding on the right distance between bike racks
Loading distances vary depending on the product used and the context of the installation. Some of the key questions you should ask include:
How many rows of cycle racks?
Where are the entrances to the cycle store?
What type of system is being installed?
For example, in larger stores a greater corridor width would be recommended. With multiple rows of cycle racks it’s more likely that cyclists would meet in the corridor whilst parking or collecting their bike, and therefore a larger aisle is required.
Choosing the right distance between bike racks
Every circumstance is different, and a cycle store planning service should always be considered in order to choose the right distance between bike racks. A guideline aisle width for single level cycle storage is around 1500mm. Two-tier cycle rack guidelines can be found here.
Ask us about bike rack spacing
Small loading distances can deem cycle parking unsafe and unusable. If you have any doubts about the requirements for your new cycle park in terms of rack spacing, do not hesitate to contact us.