June 10, 2021
Active Travel

Bike Repair Station Near You | Turvec Map


Bike repair stations and public bike pumps can help fix all manner of roadside cycling problems.

From flat tyres through to wobbly seat posts or loose pedals, having tools nearby means you won’t have to walk home.

We’ve created a map of (almost) all of our repair stands and pump locations. We can’t track every station – so do send us a pin if you find one that isn’t not on the map, and we’ll add it!

Please note that some of these stations are located within internal bike parking stores, and therefore not all stands are publicly accessible.

For information on how to use the repair station and a guide on how best to check over your bike, see our Bike Repair Station Maintenance Guide here.


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Turvec Solutions is accredited with a number of industry certifications in relation to Health and Safety, competence and security. We are registered on all major procurement websites.