November 07, 2022
Company Announcement
Company News

Turvec Attend Modeshift Conference 2022

By Jonathan Oldaker

Across Thursday and Friday last week Turvec joined our fellow Modeshift partners plus 260 delegates from across the UK for the annual Modeshift active travel convention.

This marks the sixth convention that Turvec have attended, having joined the team back in 2016. Each year the positive impact Team Modeshift makes on active travel and sustainable transport grows, and we are delighted to be involved with and support their great work.

Speakers at this year’s convention in Leicester included Adam Tranter, Guy Boulby and Robin Lovelace of Active Travel England, Dr Kay Inckle from Wheels for Well Being, and David Barley from the Department of Transport.

We joined our other partners including Living Streets, Love to Ride, and Sustrans, with an exhibit showcasing and talking about our impact on active travel through cycle parking projects, and what can be done to move towards a more sustainable future.

This year, we brought one of our best-selling bike repair station & pump units for delegates to use. The station will be raffled in a prize draw to one of the lucky delegates, with the winner to be announced on Monday 14th November.

We are already looking forward to next year!

Turvec are accredited by

Turvec Solutions is accredited with a number of industry certifications in relation to Health and Safety, competence and security. We are registered on all major procurement websites.